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NEWS: virtual copywriting service in COVID-19 shutdown

An update on how Peterborough Copywriting Bureau is responding to the coronavirus shutdown.

Free marketing tips and tools are being rolled out, and a virtual copywriting service is available.

In this announcement:

  • Free support for marketers who are working on copy and content.

  • A free 50-minute coaching call.

  • A virtual copywriting service for businesses.

By Richard Groom, Peterborough Copywriting Bureau  

As I am sure is true for everyone reading this, I never thought I would see a health crisis having such a huge and dreadful impact across the world. Every day the news seems to get worse and most of us can just watch and hope that things improve as soon as possible.

My prime concern at the moment is my family, friends and neighbours. I especially want to help my 74 year-old mother, friends with mental health issues, and vulnerable neighbours who feel isolated here in my Cambridgeshire village. I also hope to be volunteering in the wider community as soon as I am called upon by the local council’s volunteer hub.

Free marketing support in the coming weeks

But life goes on and businesses will want to do everything they can to survive this incredibly challenging time – and to be ready to swing into action when the situation improves.

With that in mind, over the next few weeks I will share lots of free tips and techniques. My Marketing Booster blogs and email newsletter will feature ideas and tools to help businesses to sharpen their copy and content.

It starts on Wednesday 8 April with the serialisation of my ‘Copy and Content Audit Tool’ eBook. This gives you a method for assessing the quality of existing content.

It’s great resource if you are looking for positive and productive ways to use your time while some campaign and communication work is on hold.

The tool can also be used to assess new content. It is therefore just as useful if you are still creating new content.

If you haven’t done so already, you can subscribe to my Marketing Booster emails now: contact me and I’ll add you to the subscriber list.

A free 50-minute call to help you apply the audit tool in your business.

If you want to get going with auditing your company and content, extra free help is here. I will send you the full ten-part eBook AND we can schedule a 50-minute call to run through it. This will set you up for applying the tool in an audit of your organisation’s website and other marketing communications materials.

Providing you with a virtual copywriting service

I also remain available to existing clients, and anyone else requiring copy, content or other marketing communications support during the heat of the crisis.

I’ll miss getting out to meet clients, but for now I am offering a virtual copywriting service.  My commitment to clients is that I will check emails, texts and phone messages regularly. I may not be available immediately due to what’s going on, but I will do my best to respond as soon as possible.

Here to help, any way I can

Please contact me if I can be of any help with your marketing activity. And I hope that you and your loved ones can stay safe through this horrible time.