Copywriting blog - write better content

Writer better content with help from content buddies

Do you ever struggle to assess the quality of your own writing? You’re not alone. But there is a way to reach out for help to write better content, and to return the favour. One of the common concerns I hear from marketing people and business owners alike is that it’s hard to write new…

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Copywriting tips - understand potential customers

How to identify 20 things to better understand potential customers

Do you know why people aren’t buying from you? Here’s a simple approach to focus on the barriers and understand potential potential customers so you can communicate better. In the last post, I started to look at how we sometimes lose sight of the potential for winning new customers. Marketing people can forget that there…

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Copywriting tips - image of brick wall

Copywriting to reach new customers

There are significant differences between existing customers and those we are yet to reach. It’s all about their experience of us and our products – and this has a big effect on copywriting to reach new customers. Much emphasis is quite rightly placed on selling more to existing customers. All the number crunching supports the…

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Cut your copy into chunks – and your readers will love you

Sometimes you have a lot of information to get across in your marketing communications, but quite rightly want to avoid long copy that runs the risk of boring readers. The answer could be to ‘chunk’ your copy into lots of small sections, each of them easy to read for people in a hurry. If you are…

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When should copywriters go into more detail?

I often get asked: “How can I avoid boring repetition when writing lots of copy on the same subject?” This cropped again recently when I was delivering an in-house copywriting workshop at a software company. In particular, delegates were concerned that almost everything they published contained the same benefit claims. I saw what they meant….

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