Learn how to zap those pesky errors with a new set of proofreading skills.
Learn how to zap those pesky errors with a new set of proofreading skills.

There’s no room for poor spelling and punctuation in marketing and business communications. Grammar is slightly different as breaking the rules now and again can improve clarity and impact, but it should be done carefully and deliberately rather than down to laziness.

There are dozens of opportunities for mistakes to creep into someone’s writing. This workshop explores where mistakes can happen and works through a process for identifying them. Whether you need to improve the accuracy of your own writing or become better at proofreading other people’s work, this course will help.

Who is it for?

Anyone who writes or checks other people’s writing will benefit from this course, as long as they can already read and write English to a good standard. But please note that it is not designed as a course for those wanting to become a professional proofreader – we’d need more than half a day to achieve that!


This course delivers help in a fun way, enabling delegates to come away with new techniques for better proofreading. It’s highly practical and interactive, demonstrating the proofreading techniques and giving delegates opportunities to try them out.

Who is it for?

Anyone who writes or checks other people’s writing will benefit from this course, as long as they can already read and write English to a good standard. But please note that it is not designed as a course for those wanting to become a professional proofreader – we’d need more than half a day to achieve that!


This course delivers help in a fun way, enabling delegates to come away with new techniques for better proofreading. It’s highly practical and interactive, demonstrating the proofreading techniques and giving delegates opportunities to try them out.

Course content

Checking for accuracy shouldn’t be an afterthought: it must be part and parcel of every content and publishing process. That’s why this course is based around a process for proofreading that gets results.

Course highlights

What proofreading is and isn’t. The difference between proofreading and editing.

Challenges and general principles. What makes proofreading harder than most people think, and some ways to overcome those challenges.

The proofreading process. A run through a multi-stage process for effective proofreading.

Identifying the mistakes most people miss. The separate steps to check specific elements in the content where mistakes are most likely.

Proofreading in pairs. Why teaming up with someone else is the best method for proofreading, and how to do it.

Beyond proofreading. What to do when you identify a need for editing, even if you’ve been told not to edit.

Proofreading the published version. Tips for proofreading after the content has been worked on by graphic or web designers.

Course content

Checking for accuracy shouldn’t be an afterthought: it must be part and parcel of every content and publishing process. That’s why this course is based around a process for proofreading that gets results.


Course highlights

What proofreading is and isn’t. The difference between proofreading and editing.

Challenges and general principles. What makes proofreading harder than most people think, and some ways to overcome those challenges.

The proofreading process. A run through a multi-stage process for effective proofreading.

Identifying the mistakes most people miss. The separate steps to check specific elements in the content where mistakes are most likely.

Proofreading in pairs. Why teaming up with someone else is the best method for proofreading, and how to do it.

Beyond proofreading. What to do when you identify a need for editing, even if you’ve been told not to edit.

Proofreading the published version. Tips for proofreading after the content has been worked on by graphic or web designers.


This is a half-day course but it can be delivered however best suits you and your delegates. For example, it can be spread across two 90-minute or three 60-minute sessions where time to attend training is especially limited.


This is a half-day course but it can be delivered however best suits you and your delegates. For example, it can be spread across two 90-minute or three 60-minute sessions where time to attend training is especially limited.


There’s a simple and highly competitive pricing structure for this half-day workshop:

Delivery in a coaching style for one delegate costs £350.

There is an additional fee of £75 per delegate. (So two delegates £425, three delegates £500 and so on.)

Recommended maximum of 12 delegates.

A 25% discount applies if you book the stage one and stage two workshops as a package.


Please note: training delivered locally (within an hour’s travel of Peterborough) does not involve travel or accommodation costs. These costs may however be added for courses further afield, but only with your prior agreement of course.

There’s a simple and highly competitive pricing structure for this half-day workshop:

Delivery in a coaching style for one delegate costs £350.

There is an additional fee of £75 per delegate. (So two delegates £425, three delegates £500 and so on.)

Recommended maximum of 12 delegates.

A 25% discount applies if you book the stage one and stage two workshops as a package.


Please note: training delivered locally (within an hour’s travel of Peterborough) does not involve travel or accommodation costs. These costs may however be added for courses further afield, but only with your prior agreement of course.

Moneyfacts Group

"So many courses I've been on and left knowing that, although the information was reasonably useful, I'd never put it into practice. This was different - I left knowing I'd picked up some really easy to follow tips that would make a real difference."

Moneyfacts Group


"Thanks for running a highly enjoyable course for us. Feedback from the event has been excellent and people have already put your exercises into practice - with fantastic results."


Moneyfacts Group

"Talking with the team at this morning's meeting, the department felt very positive about the course, and that we have all learned a lot to help us move forward with projects. Everyone seemed to learn something and have an enjoyable day.”

Anglia Regional Co-operative Society

Peterborough Environment City Trust

“The course was delivered clearly and at a pace we could all digest. All our queries were resolved and you were even available at the end of the day for clarity on anything we wanted to discuss. Thank you for educating me.”

Peterborough Environment City Trust

Royal HaskoningDHV

“I have learnt more than I ever thought possible! Richard invested a great deal of time in me - much more than I expected - and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Copywriting is something I now face with a lot more confidence and my writing is better than ever.”

Royal HaskoningDHV

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