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Writer better content with help from content buddies

Do you ever struggle to assess the quality of your own writing? You’re not alone. But there is a way to reach out for help to write better content, and to return the favour.

One of the common concerns I hear from marketing people and business owners alike is that it’s hard to write new marketing materials because they lose sight of what they are achieving.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in all kinds of internal issues like brand guidelines or company politics. Ever been in the middle of an argument over whether ‘while’ or ‘whilst’ is right?

Sometimes what’s needed to write better content is an objective view. In particular, we need to get as good an idea as possible of what readers will think. But how can you get that without paying someone like me to help?

Finding a ‘content buddy’

A great option is to find a ‘content buddy’ to help out. It’s someone to give you an objective opinion on your writing.

Start by seeing who is readily available. Maybe a colleague from another department? Or perhaps a friend or family member?

A friend of mine (hi Sharon!) went a step further, asking marketing people in her network to buddy up with her. She found a couple of buddies and they now share content drafts and give each other feedback.

Some things to ask your buddy

If you do take up the buddy idea, here are some thoughts on what sort of feedback to ask for:

  • Your buddy’s immediate reaction on reading the material for the first time. Was it easy to understand? Did it get them interested in the subject?

  • If they got bored after a while, where did that happen? After the first sentence or sixth paragraph?

  • Did they find the material raised too many questions? For example, was there jargon in the text or were some issues glossed over without sufficient detail?

  • By all means ask people to point out any spelling or grammar errors if that’s any area where you think you need to improve.

Write better content with a friend!

If you find yourself staring at your latest draft, not knowing whether lots more editing is needed, finding a content buddy might be the answer.

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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash