It all started with a battered, baby blue typewriter.
It all started with a battered, baby blue typewriter.

25+ years as a copywriter, communicator and trainer.

Working across multiple sectors and businesses of all sizes.

Peterborough-based, with UK national coverage.

Chartered Institute of Marketing qualified to postgraduate level.

Dog lover, hill walker, rock and roll band leader, space nut.

When organisations need to communicate clearly with customers, employees or other stakeholders, I’m up for the challenge. I love communicating often complex information to readers in words they can understand and relate to.

As a copywriter based near Peterborough, I write everything from one-sentence ad copy to white papers running to thousands of words. I am also proud to have helped hundreds of people to develop their writing skills through training courses and coaching programmes I have created and delivered.

Please read on for a quick history if you want to get to know me better. (Or skip the blurb and get in touch if you just want to put me to work for you.)

Your website is only as good as its content – and words will form a major part of the content. The site needs quality written content that’s engaging, relevant, easy to digest and perfectly targeted at your audience. This is always my aim when creating website content for my clients.

The copy I write also does the all-important job of letting search engines know that you have some great content they should be sharing in search results. But I will never write the type of ‘keyword-stuffed’ copy that’s a big turn off for readers (and that may harm your SEO performance).


Writing content for new sites or refreshing your existing site content.

Rewriting your home page and most visited pages to tightly focus your budget.

One-off landing pages to support marketing campaigns.

Always all about words

I grew up with my family telling me: “You’ve always got your head in a book.” They were right. I consumed everything from encyclopedias and the Famous Five to comics, Sherlock Holmes and Shakespeare.

At some point I got hold of a battered portable typewriter in lovely baby blue. I even had a small printing press for a while. Reading, writing and a bit of acting were ways to escape from the ordinary into new worlds.

It carried on into adulthood. Although my first job was in admin, I was soon writing articles for the staff magazine. My acting talent turned into a flair for training: I created training sessions wherever I saw a need. Luckily, my ability was spotted, and I made a move into employee communications and training full time.

Getting established
Getting established

Fast forward to the year 2000, when I moved back to the Cambridgeshire Fens after a decade living and working in London. I wanted to branch out into marketing, so I set myself up as a freelance copywriter.

Back then nobody used the term ‘content marketing’ but that’s how I established my business. Through a mix of email newsletters, a website with a strong content hub, free pdf resources, public speaking and networking, I soon built a thriving copywriting practice.

I quickly got on board with some great customers, some small and local, and some big and global. With exposure to many different sectors, organisations and campaigns, I learnt fast and learnt a lot.

Learning and training
Learning and training

Always a big believer in professional development, I threw myself into studying for Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) qualifications and worked my way up to postgraduate level.

A life-changing moment came when I got involved with the local CIM committee and volunteered to run a copywriting workshop at a local branch event. The event sold out and I received an excellent response.

It was now obvious that I should offer training as well as copywriting. Since then I have delivered workshops and courses across the country, to 30+ CIM branches and the likes of Virgin, Thomas Cook, BGL Group, the Press Association and several UK universities.

Into education
Into education

In 2005 I joined with three partners to form Marketing Ability, a CIM accredited study centre running courses across East Anglia. I helped to create and deliver marketing courses at all levels of CIM qualification, which consistently achieved above average pass rates.

It was great to help so many marketers gain their qualifications. It’s also been rewarding to see them go on to build their careers, often in leadership roles with some of the world’s biggest brands.

While this was going on I maintained my own writing and training work at Peterborough Copywriting Bureau. The breadth of sectors I worked in grew, including engineering, business consultancy, publishing, construction and property.

Building my portfolio
Millions more words

Marketing Ability came to an end in 2014 but education remained a passion. That’s why I put so much energy into developing my own training offering, including with the launch of a distance learning copywritng course.

Copywriting remained my day-to-day focus, including spending time working in-house on a retainer basis with a local client. This gave me a great opportunity to work as part of a marketing team, which is not always possible as a freelancer.

My mix of clients grew to include travel, consumer gifts, fitness, aviation and recruitment. Another feature of these years was writing lots of thought leadership content, writing white papers and ‘how to’ guides to grow my clients’ visibility and credibility.

Busier than ever
Interesting times!

The Covid-19 pandemic certainly threw up its challenges! Thankfully I was able to be flexible and support clients in whatever ways they required to adapt to the new situation. I also took time out to develop a new process for auditing copy and content, which was very well received, and new materials for my copywriting training courses.

The past couple of years have also thrown up great opportunities for me to hone my skills in two areas: SEO copywriting and writing editorial for a local lifestyle magazine.

So that’s enough about me: what’s your story? Get in touch if you want to talk about your requirements and I’ll give you an honest assessment of whether I can write what you need, or help to develop colleagues’ writing skills within your business.

Moneyfacts Group

"So many courses I've been on and left knowing that, although the information was reasonably useful, I'd never put it into practice. This was different - I left knowing I'd picked up some really easy to follow tips that would make a real difference."

Moneyfacts Group


"Thanks for running a highly enjoyable course for us. Feedback from the event has been excellent and people have already put your exercises into practice - with fantastic results."


Moneyfacts Group

"Talking with the team at this morning's meeting, the department felt very positive about the course, and that we have all learned a lot to help us move forward with projects. Everyone seemed to learn something and have an enjoyable day.”

Anglia Regional
Co-operative Society

Peterborough Environment City Trust

“The course was delivered clearly and at a pace we could all digest. All our queries were resolved and you were even available at the end of the day for clarity on anything we wanted to discuss. Thank you for educating me.”

Environment City Trust

Royal HaskoningDHV

“I have learnt more than I ever thought possible! Richard invested a great deal of time in me - much more than I expected - and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Copywriting is something I now face with a lot more confidence and my writing is better than ever.”

Royal HaskoningDHV

“We’ve added excellent city and country guides to our travel websites, written by Richard Groom at Peterborough Copywriting Bureau. Through a mix of thorough research and sparkling writing, he has created superb content that informs our visitors and has excellent SEO performance.”

The Fens Magazine

“The article is just brilliant! I’ve learnt something from it, smiled, and actually felt like joining in with the style of dancing you wrote about. This is a great start to your work with us and I can’t wait to see more pieces from you.”

The Fens Magazine

Capita Secure Solutions & Services

“Richard delves deep into the subject matter through discussions with our team and additional research. The white papers and other thought leadership he writes for us do a fantastic job of showcasing our expertise, in language that is engaging for readers at all levels.”

Capita Secure
Solutions & Services

Royal HaskoningDHV

“Richard’s work on our customer communications frequently earns praise from readers and our staff alike. He not only writes content, but also provides invaluable support for the editorial team in terms of generating ideas about how content can support our overall marketing strategy."

Royal HaskoningDHV


“We needed to produce more case studies and asked Richard to help. He talks to our sales team, customers and partners, and then writes case studies that represent us in the marketplace, covering the points about each project that resonate with potential customers.”


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Call me on 01733 840259 or 07759 292329. E-mail:

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