Put your readers centre-stage in a content marketing strategy to build visibility and credibility.
Put your readers centre-stage in a content marketing strategy to build visibility and credibility.


Support to create a content marketing strategy.

Researching and writing all kinds of content, from blogs to white papers.

Workshops and training to help your employees understand why and how they can play a bigger part in producing content.

Content marketing can take many forms: blogs, white papers, opinion pieces, videos, infographics, reports and many more. They are all vehicles for building credibility by showcasing your organisation’s expertise and experience. Great content is also the cornerstone of social media strategies. Google loves it too: regularly publishing fresh, good content can boost your search rankings.

I have experience of creating content of many types, starting with gathering the right information and getting to grips with the subject matter. Across several sectors, I have a track record of helping my clients to produce readable, sharable content to build credibility in their marketplace.


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is all about creating articles, blogs, videos, podcasts or other content that your target audience will find genuinely useful or entertaining. That sounds pretty simple, but what’s needed to implement a successful content marketing strategy?

At its best, content marketing isn’t just about creating content when you have a good idea or the inclination to do it. It’s a consistent programme of content creation to attract and then retain your audience’s attention.

Another typical feature of content marketing is that it isn’t primarily about promoting your products or services. Instead, you create content that adds value to your audience – prospects or customers – in some way. Your content could help them solve problems, carry out tasks more successfully, or just put a smile on their face.


How content marketing fits into wider marketing activities

The great thing about content marketing is that it can play a role in a number of marketing workstreams. Good content will likely improve your SEO or PPC performance, give you something to feature in your email marketing programme and your social media posts, and equip your salesforce a constant supply of reasons to maintain contact with customers.

It’s the ultimate in marketing recycling. Create a great piece of content and you are feeding into all your other marketing activity. And if your prospects and customers love it, there’s every chance they will share it with their peers or friends. In effect, you are turning your existing audience into a powerful new marketing channel.


Content marketing copywriting

Most forms of content need some words. Obviously that’s true for articles, blogs, e-books, white papers, infographics and so on. But videos also need scripts to make sure every second counts and engages with your audience.

Writing isn’t everyone’s strong point of course. You may have ideas for brilliant content, but if you aren’t confident on writing side of things, I can help. My skillset can help you turn your ideas for content into reality:

Clarify. Turning complex subjects into clear and easy-to-understand content.

Engage. Writing without the waffle to engage with people and keep them interested.

Attract. Making headlines, subheadings and other key messages sparkle to grab attention.

Resonate. Create and maintaining a consistent tone of voice that fits your brand and resonates with your prospects and customers.

Another vital aspect of content marketing copywriting is SEO. I’ll make sure that I’ll use the right keywords and other SEO copywriting practices to maximise the search results your content will achieve.


Can I help with your content marketing?

Please get in touch if you want to talk about your content marketing strategy, whether it’s well established or still on the drawing board. I’ll give you an honest assessment of whether I can write the content you need, how long it will take and how much it will cost.

Content marketing can take many forms: blogs, white papers, opinion pieces, videos, infographics, reports and many more. They are all vehicles for building credibility by showcasing your organisation’s expertise and experience. Great content is also the cornerstone of social media strategies. Google loves it too: regularly publishing fresh, good content can boost your search rankings.

I have experience of creating content of many types, starting with gathering the right information and getting to grips with the subject matter. Across several sectors, I have a track record of helping my clients to produce readable, sharable content to build credibility in their marketplace.


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is all about creating articles, blogs, videos, podcasts or other content that your target audience will find genuinely useful or entertaining. That sounds pretty simple, but what’s needed to implement a successful content marketing strategy?

At its best, content marketing isn’t just about creating content when you have a good idea or the inclination to do it. It’s a consistent programme of content creation to attract and then retain your audience’s attention.

Another typical feature of content marketing is that it isn’t primarily about promoting your products or services. Instead, you create content that adds value to your audience – prospects or customers – in some way. Your content could help them solve problems, carry out tasks more successfully, or just put a smile on their face.


How content marketing fits into wider marketing activities

The great thing about content marketing is that it can play a role in a number of marketing workstreams. Good content will likely improve your SEO or PPC performance, give you something to feature in your email marketing programme and your social media posts, and equip your salesforce a constant supply of reasons to maintain contact with customers.

It’s the ultimate in marketing recycling. Create a great piece of content and you are feeding into all your other marketing activity. And if your prospects and customers love it, there’s every chance they will share it with their peers or friends. In effect, you are turning your existing audience into a powerful new marketing channel.


Content marketing copywriting

Most forms of content need some words. Obviously that’s true for articles, blogs, e-books, white papers, infographics and so on. But videos also need scripts to make sure every second counts and engages with your audience.

Writing isn’t everyone’s strong point of course. You may have ideas for brilliant content, but if you aren’t confident on writing side of things, I can help. My skillset can help you turn your ideas for content into reality:

Clarify. Turning complex subjects into clear and easy-to-understand content.

Engage. Writing without the waffle to engage with people and keep them interested.

Attract. Making headlines, subheadings and other key messages sparkle to grab attention.

Resonate. Create and maintaining a consistent tone of voice that fits your brand and resonates with your prospects and customers.

Another vital aspect of content marketing copywriting is SEO. I’ll make sure that I’ll use the right keywords and other SEO copywriting practices to maximise the search results your content will achieve.


Can I help with your content marketing?

Please get in touch if you want to talk about your content marketing strategy, whether it’s well established or still on the drawing board. I’ll give you an honest assessment of whether I can write the content you need, how long it will take and how much it will cost.


Support to create a content marketing strategy.

Researching and writing all kinds of content, from blogs to white papers.

Workshops and training to help your employees understand why and how they can play a bigger part in producing content.

“We’ve added excellent city and country guides to our travel websites, written by Richard Groom at Peterborough Copywriting Bureau. Through a mix of thorough research and sparkling writing, he has created superb content that informs our visitors and has excellent SEO performance.”

The Fens Magazine

“The article is just brilliant! I’ve learnt something from it, smiled, and actually felt like joining in with the style of dancing you wrote about. This is a great start to your work with us and I can’t wait to see more pieces from you.”

The Fens Magazine

Royal HaskoningDHV

“Richard’s work on our customer communications frequently earns praise from readers and our staff alike. He not only writes content, but also provides invaluable support for the editorial team in terms of generating ideas about how content can support our overall marketing strategy."

Royal HaskoningDHV


“We needed to produce more case studies and asked Richard to help. He talks to our sales team, customers and partners, and then writes case studies that represent us in the marketplace, covering the points about each project that resonate with potential customers.”


Capita Secure Solutions & Services

“Richard delves deep into the subject matter through discussions with our team and additional research. The white papers and other thought leadership pieces he writes for us do a fantastic job of showcasing our expertise, in language that is engaging for readers at all levels.”

Capita Secure Solutions & Services

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How can I help you?

Call me on 01733 840259 or 07759 292329. E-mail:

